What is Net-Enterprises The Modern Geek

C’What does Net-Entreprises ?

The Net-Entreprises site was created in 2017. It is mostly known in the self-employed community. However, both private and public structures can also use it to make a correct social declaration.


Qu’Is Net-Entreprises ?

Many companies carry out their social declarations without respecting the rules in force. Some of them also entrust this task to agents. It can be aboutaccountants, d’associations or even CGA (approved management centers).

To simplify the declarations and the payment of the social contributions, the realization of these operations by dematerialized way was made possible. To do this, simply use the platform Net-Entreprises. The latter is available to companies and communities.

The same is true for their agents.

The contributions or social charges refer to the sums paid by employees, employers and self-employed workers to the Social Security or to private social protection organizations. It is about deductions from the gross salary aimed at financing social benefits such as :

  • Health insurance ;
  • Unemployment insurance;
  • The provident fund;
  • The retirement pensions;
  • Family allowances ;
  • Compensation for professional illness or work accident;
  • Professional training, etc.

The social contributions due by workers themselves are called salary charges. On the other hand, when they are paid by the employers, these are employer’s charges. For employees attached to the general scheme, certain social contributions and fees are mandatory, in particular :

  • The CSG (generalized social contribution) and the CRDS (contribution to the reimbursement of the social debt);
  • The basic pension insurance ;
  • Supplementary pension contributions, namely the CEG (contribution of’the generalized balance), the contribution of’technical balance (CET) and the complementary pension of private sector employees (Agirc-Arrco).

Why register’register on Net-Entreprises ?

Why register on Net-Entreprises?

Net-Entreprises is a single point of entry for workers independent workers, to auto-entrepreneurs and various companies to declare and pay social contributions in complete security. The process is also free of charge.

Thanks to this site, it will be very easy for you toto make your declarations, and this, from any support (computer, tablet, smartphone). The platform will also give you the opportunity to access information about employers’ obligations, withholding tax, training account, etc. In addition, it will allow you to questioning experts who will answer you as soon as possible.

On the other hand, registration on this site simplifies by sending the monthly DSN (déclaration sociale nominative). Replacing no less than 40 procedures, the DSN aims to eliminate administrative formalities based on payroll data. Since 2017, it is mandatory for all private sector companies.

In the public sector, it will be fully implemented by 2022.

Please note that you can also access the additional services of the Urssaf from the DSN dashboard of Net-Entreprises. In addition, you can declare your turnover online on this platform.

How to contact Net-Entreprises ?

How to contact Net-Entreprises ?

To benefit from Net-Entreprises’ services, you must first visit https://www.net-entreprises.en/ in order to register. Once you arrive on the home page, click on ” Your account “. You will then be asked to provide :

  • Your identity (first and last name) ;
  • Your phone number ;
  • Your email address ;
  • Your Siret identifier ;
  • A password.

When your registration is validated, click again on ” Your account “. You will then only have to press the ” ” button Connection “You will then be asked to enter the above mentioned information to access your private space.

If you need help when registering, you can reach Net-Entreprises at 0 820 366 242. For any question about the site’s teleservices, call 0 820 000 516. Finally, a hotline is dedicated to the DSN at 0 811 376 376.

In any case, you will benefit from a assistance on weekdays from 8:30 am to 6 pm.

Our opinion on Net-Entreprises

Since its launch, Net-Entreprises has continued to improve your services. On the site, the user experience has gradually improved. It remains intuitive, regardless of the medium you use to connect.

The platform has also been optimized to simplify the formalities related to the social declaration.

If you have already subscribed to the site, you have certainly noticed that it has deployed various services that you are entitled to inform and to you support. This includes the newsletter and the space for answering users’ questions.

Moreover, you can count on Net-Entreprises to reminding you of the periodicity you have defined to make your declarations. To avoid missing your deadlines and incurring penalties, remember to program alerts. Also make sure you keep copies of your monthly or quarterly declarations.

They will be useful to keep your accounts.

Finally, Net-Entreprises ensures classify and to archive all the declarations that are transmitted to it. In short, this is a practical platform that guarantees the simplification and security of all your social declarations.